Top 10 Movies of 2017

2017 was a pretty great year for movies. I didn’t get to see as many as last year with having to move to California, and my girlfriend having to leave Cinemark. But I managed to see a lot of the great ones that came out this year. Honestly, I didn’t really see any of the ones that seemed like they would be Oscar contenders. I’m honestly not even sure which films of the year are movies the Oscars would nominate other than the fantastic Shape of Water. I barely even watched artsy indies this year. Whatever. I watched a bunch of mainstream films, and it felt good!

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Interviewing for a Game Company: Arrival

Fresh off the flight from Orlando to Ontario!

My trip to Big Bear Lake, California was from the 13th to the 15th. I took a long ass flight from Orlando to Ontario that had me arrive around noon. I had a couple hour drive up the mountain to make, so I quickly went to try and find the place I had booked a rental car from a week ago.

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Applying for a Software Job

In my previous post, I mentioned that I had been submitting resumes to companies for the past several months of college. 5 months to be specific. About 10 applications were submitted. I was submitting resumes to big AAA companies: Rockstar, Blizzard, EA, Insomniac, etc. And I only got one nibble, which was receiving a gameplay programmer’s test from Insomniac.

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FSGD Project: Month 4 Build

Here’s the finalized version of our game. I’ll go into the details of everything, but you can see that the menus are looking great as well as the assets we got from our artists. For some reason, the audio is really low on this, so we might have to resubmit this video, especially considering we wanted to send this to our audio person.

FSGD Final Project: Month 2 Build

Hey everyone. I know I was supposed to be finishing up my posts, but I got sidetracked by submitting applications and finishing up the actual game. Now that I’ve graduated, I want to show more of the game instead of just posts about it. So here is how the game looked at the end of month 2. I will post a few more videos showcasing our game, and then finish up talking about the game. Hopefully, I might even get a few photos of the game as it was developing if I can figure out how to get the code from back then.

FSGD Final Project Week 10: Fixing Scale, Player Positions and Scoreboard

So this is a couple weeks old. You know how it is. Right now is technically the end of week 12, so I want to talk about week 10 and 11 to be up to date. Week 10 really was just me trying to get minor gameplay features into the game, so our game feels like a legitimate game.

Continue reading “FSGD Final Project Week 10: Fixing Scale, Player Positions and Scoreboard”