FSGD Final Project Week 7: 3D Networked Sound and Full Sail Hall of Fame 8

So last week was Full Sail’s Hall of Fame event. It’s their eighth year of inducting alumni that have done distinguishable things in their industry and their school. During these events, Hall of Fame inductees and/or other Hall of Fame members do talks at the school to give advice to current students. Because of this event, I actually had a few days off this week. That doesn’t mean I didn’t work, but it means I definitely didn’t get as much done as other weeks.

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FSGD Final Project Week 6: Animator Controller and Attack

Yo, so last week went pretty well. Definitely our best build by a decent margin. Playing through the game with my teammates is actually pretty fun, and I’m excited to see how all of these pieces are coming together. I’m definitely excited to keep on improving the game because it seems like we have something special going. Here are some of the improvements I made to the game and engine last week.

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FSGD Final Project Week 5: Player Controller, Animator Controller, and Miscellaneous

Hey, sorry for this kind of late post. I should’ve had this posted earlier this week, but I kept on postponing it in favor of working on the game. Because of this, our build for week 6 was really good I’d say. The game is finally starting to shape up. But before I get into week 6, here’s what I did during week 5.

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FSGD Final Project Week 4: Networking (Input and State), Wwise, and Event Manager

Sorry for posting this so late. I posted it on my team’s website, but I forgot to also post it on my personal website. And not only that, but I really need to write my week 5 post, so you’ll be seeing that come up soon.

Week 4 was the last week of month 1 for my team and I. So I had to rush to get in features that we needed to have done; things pretty fundamental to the game. The most fundamental thing for our game is networking.

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