Running Start: Getting In

Here’s some fun stuff: whenever you add another condition to something, you will (probably) decrease the quantity of that something. For example, let’s say you’re at a football game, and you say, “Everyone who is going to vote for Donald Trump, stand up.” Let’s say 15% of the people at the game stand up. Now let’s say after, you ask, “Everyone who is going to vote for Donald Trump and is a good person, stand up.” It’s very, very likely that the amount of people at the game who would stand up would be less than 15%. If you had to bet money on what the percentage would be, you’d be betting foolishly if you said 15%, and you’d be downright wrong if you said 16%—if it were me, based on the question, I’d say 0%. This is what happens when you add another condition to something. Continue reading “Running Start: Getting In”