Why I Made This Site


​The idea to create my own blog was spurred by the thought that I could complain about the stuff that pushes my buttons at Full Sail. I had previously thought about chronicling my journey through Full Sail, and I decided on an even better idea: make a site chronicling my journey into game developer-hood.

Pop Culture

This is something I'd really love to start focusing on. I might actually consume more film and television shows than video games now a days, so these are things I'd love to write about. As a game developer, it's not like I wouldn't draw reference from these things that I love, so I feel like writing about these things would fit perfectly into my blog. And of course I'll try to tie these things together as much as I can.

To Become a Better Game Designer

Even though I received a degree in Game Development, the ultimate goal for me is to design my own games. So I was thinking to myself a couple of years ago, how can I become a better game designer without having to go to school for it? I knew the answer was to play lots of video games, but I thought that would only lead me so far because if I noticed the weaknesses and strengths of one game, five years down the road I might forget those notes I made about the game. So I've decided I needed to make those thoughts tangible! I used to write some user reviews on Gamespot, but I don't go there anymore. So I'm going to be posting my game reviews right here on UpcomingDev!

To Show My Journey


While I might have not done the best job on this so far, it's still something at the core of this site. Writing about school, finding my first job, what I do at my job on a weekly basis, as well as anything the future entails is something that I will always try to write about.