Running Start: Getting In

Here’s some fun stuff: whenever you add another condition to something, you will (probably) decrease the quantity of that something. For example, let’s say you’re at a football game, and you say, “Everyone who is going to vote for Donald Trump, stand up.” Let’s say 15% of the people at the game stand up. Now let’s say after, you ask, “Everyone who is going to vote for Donald Trump and is a good person, stand up.” It’s very, very likely that the amount of people at the game who would stand up would be less than 15%. If you had to bet money on what the percentage would be, you’d be betting foolishly if you said 15%, and you’d be downright wrong if you said 16%—if it were me, based on the question, I’d say 0%. This is what happens when you add another condition to something. Continue reading “Running Start: Getting In”

Running Start: What It Is

I was introduced to Running Start during eighth grade. Eighth grade was interesting because it was my second year of advanced math. This is important because this meant I was one year ahead of the all the other eighth graders in regards to math (suck it losers): I was in Algebra 1 AC while others were in Pre-Algebra (this is important for a reason I’ll make clear later).

Continue reading “Running Start: What It Is”

Catching Up to Month Five

Hey Tom, where’s all the stuff about how your game development program at Full Sail is going? Great question person that isn’t Tom. Well, as you know, one of the plans I had for this site, when I conceptualized it, was to write about my Full Sail career. The problem is I’m on month five of my twenty month game program, and I haven’t talked about months one through four yet. So I have some catching up to do on this site.

Continue reading “Catching Up to Month Five”