FSGD Final Project Week 7: 3D Networked Sound and Full Sail Hall of Fame 8

So last week was Full Sail’s Hall of Fame event. It’s their eighth year of inducting alumni that have done distinguishable things in their industry and their school. During these events, Hall of Fame inductees and/or other Hall of Fame members do talks at the school to give advice to current students. Because of this event, I actually had a few days off this week. That doesn’t mean I didn’t work, but it means I definitely didn’t get as much done as other weeks.

I actually had a pretty good Hall of Fame week. I won a contest along with 49 others where I would get some Full Sail swag; free breakfast and lunch Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; priority to three events; and a more intimate Q/A session with some Hall of Famers.

I went to one of those intimate Q/A sessions, where I got some insight from Keith Guerrette, a VFX Artist who worked on Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, and The Last of Us. He gave me some great insight into building a resume and job searching.

The rest of the Hall of Fame was pretty chill. Just worked on the game a bit and ate a bunch of free lunch. But anyways, that’s enough talk about Hall of fame. Time to get back to my project.

Week 7 revolved around me getting better functionality out of my Wwise integration. I first worked on getting sounds to work over the network. So on the server, if a person was deemed to be walking, it would send a footsteps sound (sound event ID) and a game object ID to all of the clients, so they would all play the footsteps on the correct game object.

At first, I had a problem where the sounds weren’t playing because they were playing every frame. This caused only the first frame of the sound to ever play; thus, it sounded like nothing. So IĀ introduced a hasSound bool that would tell the client whether or not it should play the sound, and if it does play the sound, to toggle the bool off immediately.

Next, I wanted the sound to be 3D because if I moved on my computer, the other computer would hear my footsteps like they were theirs given no positional data was being sent. So I sent the forward and positions of all the game objects to the sound engine every frame. And it took me hours to get this to work even though it seemed so easy to incorporate.

Wwise’s integration only had a few lines of code, and I had no clue what I was doing wrong. I noticed that some errors were thrown because Wwise isn’t 0 indexed; instead, it starts at 1. But even once I fixed that, nothing. Eventually, after my mentor tried to help for an hour, he asked another mentor who said a checkbox needed to be checked in Wwise’s GUI for a sound to be 3D. Once I got my soundbank to have those new 3D sounds, my game had working 3D sound that was networked!

Now this week, I’m going to finish my asset list (so I can send it to my friend who is a game artist), get player spawn positions more definite, and get a jump working.