My New Year’s Resolution

Is to write more for this expensive website. What am I doing investing boocoo bucks into this site, yet I’m too lazy to write for the damn site? Don’t I want to put this on my resume? Do I want my potential future employer to see that I haven’t posted on my site for a year almost exactly? Nah.

Now, this is all in hopes of them not seeing the posts where I’ve said the same exact thing on an annual basis. Also, maybe I shouldn’t have pointed it out here? Oh well.

Anyways, I will be trying to post more regularly. I’m also going to be trying to beef up my portfolio here shortly. I’ve been working on a prototype for a game right now by myself, and while I’ve kept with it, progress is slow. So starting 2019, I will trying to be doing game jams with my colleagues. If I can knock several of those bad boys out with my colleagues, I should be able to accumulate a pretty sweet portfolio. And it’ll look great too because it’ll hopefully be with several artists from Farsight Studios.

So here’s what you can expect from me: end of the year best of lists, talking about Farsight Studios, and hopefully adding a Portfolio page on my website.

Anyways, Happy Holidays to everyone.