Starting at Farsight Studios

First day on the job! P.S. That non-symmetrical mustache is really bothering me too.

Starting a new job is all types of feelings. I’d done some little jobs before but nothing this legitimate. I was nervous and excited. I was going to meet a lot of people who I thought would be intimidating given their experience. I would be going into a completely new work environment, that I hoped I would succeed in. There was a lot there.

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Moving to California

One of the people in the photo I regret inviting.

After saying goodbye to the friends we had made in Florida with some delicious pizza from Lazy Moon and then hanging at my house with some Jackbox Party Pack, Cali and I packed up our condo that we fell in love with. It was fucking exhausting work. That’s a decent sized U-Haul in the above photo, and it’s nearly filled to the brim. Luckily, our very good friend on the left of me in the photo drove over half an hour to help us put in some of the heavier objects—this was a couple hours before his class started too! After spending a couple days of packing and moving stuff into the truck, we were done. With the cats and their litter boxes in the Prius and all our stuff in the truck, we were ready to set say goodbye to Orlando and hello to Big Bear.

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Interviewing for a Game Company: Final Steps

I had a week to kill until Farsight said they would send me over the written offer, so I was going to see what SSE had to offer even though, regardless of what SSE said, I was going to choose Farsight. Why even bother with SSE if I had made my mind up? Because all interviews are great experience, and I wanted to stroke my ego by getting offers from both companies.

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Interviewing for a Game Company: Test Day

Treat yo self!

The day after I arrived I had a test at noon. So to warm up, I woke up early and went to eat at a diner in the village called the Teddy Bear Restaurant. I had pancakes and scrambled eggs for a cheap ass price. That’s how you start an important day. I had woken up early though; as a result, I had a decent amount of free time still in the day. I went back to my room and got dressed in a collared long sleeve. I went walking around checking out the town. I then made my way to Farsight—my hotel was so close that I just walked. Just from this bit of walking I could already tell the long sleeve was definitely a mistake as my pits were drenched. I had to keep that professional look though, so I persevered.

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Top 10 Video Games of 2018

2018 was a good year to game. Usually, I don’t have enough titles to even put out a top 10 list. This is due to many reasons: games are long, I usually have a huge backlog that I’m trying to catch up on, and if I find a good multiplayer game, I’ll play a lot of that instead of diving into single player games. But this year is different somehow. I sank hundreds of hours into a multiplayer game, yet I still managed to play a bunch of other great games. Damn, I did a lot of gaming this year.

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