Old Reviews and New Reviews

A couple years ago, I used to be a huge fan of Gamespot. I went on it everyday, and I participated in discussions on a lot of the articles and a lot of the reviews. Eventually, I thought it’d be pretty cool if I started making my own reviews and posting them in the user reviews section of Gamespot.

My grammar at the time was better than most at my age I felt, but looking at those reviews now I see how far I’ve come as a writer. Some things that I feel have changed are things like writers block not being as common; my understanding of comas, semi-colons, and colons; and my flow. Still, I’ve obviously got some ways to go, but I’m definitely able to produce better reviews now than back then even though I haven’t been keeping up on making reviews since those two years ago.

So I thought it’d be a pretty great idea for me to post my old reviews in their un-edited entirety (I might’ve added some formatting changes such as adding a quote at the end though). You will immediately see typos and one review in particular was structured like crap (sorry for giving you a poorly written review Red Dead Redemption; it’s the thought that matters).

So an even better idea I thought would be for me to type a new, updated review (in addition to the old review). I have actually done this already for Red Dead Redemption, the first game I ever reviewed. So when you go to the review, there will be a link to the updated review. I definitely recommend that you read the old one first and then check out the updated one to see my improvements!

Now, the toughest thing about writing an updated review is that I haven’t touched any of the games since I originally reviewed them, so specifics get a little hazy at times (forgive me for that). Overall though, I’m pretty proud of my Red Dead Redemption review, and I’m excited to update all the other reviews I did on Gamespot. Right now, I have a game project to make in my Programming I class, so I might be a little slow with my reviews, but they’ll be coming, slowly yet surely!