Top 5 Board Games of 2021

In early 2020, I was forced to work at home due to the quarantine caused by COVID-19. My daughter was just born that year, and I had just gotten a new job. It was a lot of change in my life. Working from home was a double edged sword. The positive: I got to be around my family more. The negative: I got to be around my family more. Not having time away from my wife in particular I feel like didn’t help our relationship too much as I really believe in “absence makes the heart fonder”. I got to see my wife 24/7 as my damn office was out in the living room. So whenever she was at the dining room table or playing with my daughter in the living room, I was always in her presence. Not ideal at all. I wished I could just go back to work in BSG’s dark ass, vampiric office space that had unlimited snacks. Ya know, to hide away from my wife and daughter, so that I could miss them. That’s good logic isn’t it. Becoming parents changes everything. Changes your relationship, dynamics, and priorities. In a good way, but it’s still a lot to handle.

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Top 10 Games of 2021

The idea of writing a top games of 2020 list seemed dumb as hell for me. My daughter was born, I moved to a new city, I started a new job; I was just busy as hell. I got to play some video games, but not too many as I also played a bunch of board games and started delving into some other hobbies. I might’ve been able to make a top 3 list, but even that might’ve been pushing it. Luckily for me, something changed this year. I started getting heavily into playing games on my Switch. I started noticing that incredible indie games that I had wishlisted on Steam and wanted to play were popping up on the Switch. I ended up playing a lot of video games this year, a lot of incredible games. So much so that I managed to make a damn top 10 list! And 8 of those 10, I played on the Switch. Now ain’t that something.

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Top 10 Albums of 2021

I said I would write the top 10 games of 2021 list after my first post back, so I started writing a post for just that. But then I decided to write this instead. It is what it is. Anyways, 2021 was fantastic for video games, but holy cow, it was even better for music. When I left Fartsight Studios, I decided to stop watching podcasts while working. It was just way too distracting, and I wanted to take my new job much more seriously. I would be solely listening to music when at work. That’s 4-6 hours more of music a day than I was getting in before. To help aid this, I got rid of my premium Napster account (jeez I sound like an old loser), for a Spotify account. I only did this as a result of having added a smart TV to our house. There was no damn Napster app, so I got Spotify on it. It worked like a breeze, and after several years of Napster, I switched everything over. This was for the better as Spotify really helped turn me onto some of the best and my favorite music as of late.

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Some Things Have Changed

Hey person who stumbled onto my website. No way you’re a recurring visitor checking to see if I’ve posted anything recently, as I haven’t in a couple years. But if you are, today’s your lucky day. I’m going to catch you up on what I’ve been up to. I’m sure you’ve been dying to know if you’ve been frantically checking this ghost town of a site. To catch you up, I will post a post on this website. Yes this website that I pay hundreds of dollars for, yet I barely utilize. This website where the visitors coming in have dwindled to such a small trickle, no doubt degenerated from the god awful SEO I have right now. And I have no plans to improve it. I don’t plan on investing lots of time into this site like I used to. I ain’t got time for that crap. Things have changed of course.

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Trying to Finish Up a Personal Project

I really tried to commit to the once a week post thing, and I’ve actually been pretty damn good about it. That mammoth Avengers post I did really clogged my flow up though, but I am trying to get back on schedule. The only thing is that I’m definitely prioritizing this personal project of mine that I’ve been working on with some buds from work. It’s very, very close to being done, so I’m just trying to pour all effort on that for the moment. Once I’m actually done with that, I think I’ll actually switch focus from the Pinball Arcade posts to talk about the project. I’ll probably even have to add a page to my website, and I’m planning on doing a postmortem on it. I’m planning to go all out on showcasing this little project because I’ve spent a decent amount of time on it. So hopefully next week, my post is something about that project.

21 Marvel Films Ranked from Worst to Best

If only Snyder had directed Iron Man…

I prepared my ass off for Endgame. If that was a programmer test to get into some AAA company, it would be the equivalent of going on KhanAcademy and watching the whole 3D math series, doing all the C++ programmer tests on the first search page of google, and doing a programmer test for a little indie company that you’re actually not interested in getting a job at. I’m of course referring to watching 19 of the 21 Marvel films that came out before Endgame.

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